Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ergotron LearnFit TM

The  ERGOTRON Ergotron 24-458-200 Learnfit Adjustable Standing Desk provides an interesting paradigm shift for classroom learning.  It allows accommodation for people of different heights and gives more flexibility in the classroom environment.  The standing heights vary from approximately 32 inches to 51 inches.  The surface dimension is 24" x 23".  This is big enough to fit a keyboard and monitor.  It can hold 15 pounds. The cost is approximately $470 US. 

Typical school desks run $100 to $250.  Many of them adjust for seated heights.  Most of these are in fixed increments.

Ergotron Learn Fit in the classroom.  5.5 minutes.


  1. Nice Blog to learn the basics of ergonomics , we just wonder the impact of ergonomics in day to day life .


  2. Thank you for your note. I would like to see if this type of learning environment reduces discipline problems in classes with students that need to move.
