Friday, June 29, 2012

Not all calories are created equally?

CBS News reports that not all calories are created equally according to a recent article in JAMA.  Carbohydrates from refined processes such as sugar, chips, white rice or white bread make it more difficult to lose weight by lowering the metabolic rate.  Low fat foods are also problematic.   People trying to loose weight are advised not to go on a low fat diet but try a low glycemic diet with complex carbohydrates and good fats from yoghurt, nuts or eggs. This according to researcher Dr. David Ludwig of Boston Children's Hospital.

The findings from JAMA about differential weight loss were refuted by Dr. Jules Hirsh in an article by Sarah Berry.  He notes that a high fat low carbohydrate diet causes people to loose water.  This is the reason for rapid initial weight loss.

Both agree that moving more and consuming more veggies is part of a path to a healthier life.

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