Thursday, February 13, 2014

Stories of weightloss

As I travel around doing ergonomic evaluations I've asked several people about changes in activity level.  One of  the most common problems is the change from an active job like a store clerk to a sedentary job doing primarily computer work.  Individuals reported often gaining 1 to 2 pounds a month with a typical weight gain of 10 to 20 pounds in one year.

Several celebrities have worked to loose weight including Drew Carey, Michael Moore, John Goodman and Jennifer Hudson.  There brief stories are available in a slide show by Daily RX

From my personal experience and going through several articles and about weight loss a few factors appear to help out.

Betty White method:  Weigh yourself several times a week to make sure the weight gain is not out of control.  In practice weighing yourself at the same time of the day wearing the same weight in clothing helps.

Local exercise equipment:  Developing a routine to use exercise equipment at home helps.  Setting aside a certain time of the day and varying the activity also helps.  Exercise long enough to have an increase in body temperature.  I start out wearing a sweater and need to take it off after about 15 minutes.

Combine with balance and strength training: Toned muscles burn calories. It's easier to hall around equipment.

Don't fight against food, turn away from it:  Thinking about what you can't have takes the focus off the positive things like being able to move faster,  walk without running out of air.  Fewer doctor's visits.

Eat food that rots and go nuts in moderation: Simpler food has a lower chance of unintended consequences.  Nuts have good fat and protein.  A handful a day is enough.  Variety is important.

Floss:  Reducing gum inflammation adds a couple years onto an average person's life.

Final notes: Fit individuals survive disaster situations much better than unfit individuals as noted in Amanda Ripley's book The Unthinkable

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