Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ergonomic risks of iPads and tablets

Stephen Adams from the UK telegraph reports that experts are concerned about possible repetitive strain injuries from using an ipad or tablet computer.   I've summarized the main points from the article below.

HP tablet - Photo N. Carlson
The tablet computer suffers from several problems.  If it is held in the hand for an extended period fatigue will happen because of the pinch grip.  The hand and fingers used to point and swipe can also be affected. 

Often the tablet will be placed in the lap.  Viewing the screen from this position requires the neck to be tilted down, the shoulders to roll forward and the back to come out of alignment.  The edge of the laptop will compress the force into a small area and should not be supported by a thumb.

The tablet is in a better position but the screen is still too low for optimal viewing - photo N. Carson

The tablet works best when properly aligned and using the attached keyboard assessory.  Alternatively the sessions on the tablet can be limited with frequent breaks.

The tablet computer problems are somewhat similar to the problems that occurred when laptop computers became popular.  In addition, the built in keyboard is not very efficient at typing.  Game play on the tablet will carry similar risks to users as game play on other hand held devices. 

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